– Machines can mimic human behavior and learn from experience, adapt to new inputs, and perform tasks thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). The majority of AI examples you hear about today, such as chess-playing computers and self-driving cars, heavily rely on deep learning and natural language processing. Computers can be taught to perform specific tasks using this technology by processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns in the data.
History of Artificial Intelligence
Despite the fact that the term artificial intelligence was first used in 1956, it has gained popularity in modern times due to growing data volumes, advanced algorithms, and improved computing and storage.
In the 1950s, early AI research looked at issues including problem solving and symbolic techniques. The US Department of Defense became interested in this line of work in the 1960s and started teaching computers how to simulate fundamental human reasoning. For instance, in the 1970s, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) finished a road mapping project. And long before Siri, Alexa, or Cortana even had names, DARPA released a smart personal assistant in 2003.
This pioneering work paved the way for the automation and formal reasoning we now see in computers, including decision support systems and smart search systems that can be built to complement and enhance human abilities.
While humanoid robots taking over the world are depicted in Hollywood films and science fiction books, the current progression of AI technology isn’t all that frightening or intelligent. Instead, AI has developed to offer a variety of advantages that are industry-specific. Read on to learn more about current applications of artificial intelligence in fields like healthcare and retail.
The World of Artificial Intelligence Today
Discover AI in Every Sector
Check out talking predictive analytics systems, AI-powered retail outlets, and hospitals that use AI. This article from the Harvard Business Review looks at the AI workforce and the AI landscape and argues why you shouldn’t scold Siri.
Internet of Things and AI
We live in a world of data. Large volumes of data can be used by the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors, and artificial intelligence (AI) can learn patterns in data to automate tasks for a variety of business benefits.